About Playgrox

To Innovate, Solve, and Grow

Playgrox stands apart as a beacon of innovation, founded by a vibrant team of millennial and Gen Z entrepreneurs .

Our mission is to harness the potential of digital transformation and technology to build businesses that not only lead markets but serve as beacons of value, innovation, and positive impact.

We aim to solve the most pressing challenges faced by our customers, create compelling products and services that meet real needs, and cultivate a culture of growth, learning, and excellence.

Together, we are building the playground of the future, where every venture we undertake makes a difference.

Brian Chui

Brian is a serial entrepreneur with a proven track record of successful ventures, notably his first startup's acquisition by Klook and his second by a key figure—a founder at a premier Series A AI-powered influencer marketing software firm in Asia and a C-suite executive at a leading Hong Kong-based conglomerate.

Specializing in F&B, eCommerce, search marketing (SEO and SEM), and comprehensive digital strategies, Brian combines innovative thinking with strategic execution to drive business growth and digital transformation.

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Zoe Poon

Zoe is a serial entrepreneur with a deep specialization in scaling small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Her entrepreneurial journey began at HKU, where she pursued business and law, and concurrently launched her first venture.

Demonstrating an innate prowess for growth, Zoe adeptly scaled the business from inception to achieving seven-digit annual revenues within just two years.

Beyond her remarkable ability to drive revenue growth, Zoe is renowned for her expertise in optimizing operational efficiency. Her structured approach to business development not only enhances profitability but also ensures sustainable growth for SMBs in competitive markets.

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